lame plak rase xupdate blog neh.. malas? x x x x... aku rajin sehh.. men game laa.. hahahaa
nway arini aku ade terbace article kat sini...
ttbe bley plak aku ternampak ade satu article yg ditulis oleh penulis yg die ckp.. David Beckham yg dok kite sohor2.. maklum la.. bintang MU katekan.. sape xtaw? rupe2nyer die org yahudi?? aku pon cam terkejot gak mule2... maklumlakan, kite ni umat islam.. kalo2 dok suke ngan org yahudi.. dok sokong dekrang laa..nk sumer pkai jersi same... korg ase cam patot ke kte wat cam2 ntok org jews? mesti xkan? cam yg korg taw.. jews ni dari dalam Quran and camner kisah die mesti korg penah terbace or dgr kan? huhuhu..
pastuh, aku cam nk korek lgi la kot.. kalo tkot xbtoi ke.. yela, even mamat ni matsalleh.. tp still, xbek ntok kite share citer yg xbtoi kan? then, kebetulan.. ade pembace comment... suh check profil mamat bola ni kat wiki.. aku pon bukak laa.. bace punyer bace.. mmg ade statement yang die sndri ngaku.. huhuh
Beckham has described his maternal grandfather as Jewish and has referred to himself as "half Jewish"
even half jewish... so what?? pe korg rase?? huhuhu
pape pon aku post kat sni juz nk share ngan kawan2 jek.. ni pon aku rase rmai mmber2 aku xtaw pasai ni.. tu yg tlng post tuh.. anyway, credit to owner site ibnuyaacob sbb share isu neh..
ni ade pic die sket2... pepandai la korg pk oke! ambo nk smbng men mass effect! hahahhaa

erm.. ngk kopiah die.. amacam? sape jek pkai style kopiah cm2? huhuhu.. renung2kan!
pastuh, aku cam nk korek lgi la kot.. kalo tkot xbtoi ke.. yela, even mamat ni matsalleh.. tp still, xbek ntok kite share citer yg xbtoi kan? then, kebetulan.. ade pembace comment... suh check profil mamat bola ni kat wiki.. aku pon bukak laa.. bace punyer bace.. mmg ade statement yang die sndri ngaku.. huhuh
Beckham has described his maternal grandfather as Jewish and has referred to himself as "half Jewish"
even half jewish... so what?? pe korg rase?? huhuhu
pape pon aku post kat sni juz nk share ngan kawan2 jek.. ni pon aku rase rmai mmber2 aku xtaw pasai ni.. tu yg tlng post tuh.. anyway, credit to owner site ibnuyaacob sbb share isu neh..
ni ade pic die sket2... pepandai la korg pk oke! ambo nk smbng men mass effect! hahahhaa

weh...beckham bukan MU lg dh weh...
hahaha.. 2 jek yg aku taw faiz.. aku bukan mat bola pon... hahaha
cilakak bekham.. poodah...
hakhak.. 2 ahh... hanjing toi.... haha
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